Telford School Site
The Seeds School is an Independent School appointed to help young people achieve and thrive in both education and life beyond school. Our bespoke alternative provisions and curriculum enables our students to progress and attain life skills and valuable qualifications; equipping them for life’s journey.
Meet the Telford Team
Executive Senior Leadership Team
Steven Knight
Proprietor & Managing
Robert Pritchard
Headteacher & Designated
Safeguarding Lead
Karen Rolls
SEND Manager & Deputy
Safeguarding Officer
Verity M Brown Assoc CIPD
HR Manager & School
Senior Leadership Team
James Nation
Deputy Head
Telford Teaching Team
Hannah Smith
Functional Skills Teacher
Luke Batham
Physical Education Teacher
Isa Davies
Hairdressing Teacher
Joe Bates
Multi-Subject Teacher
Stephen Horton
Construction Teacher
Telford Support Team
Jessica Osborne
Teaching Assistant & Pastoral Officer
Victoria Lloyd
SENDCO Assistant
Sophie Szklarzewicz
Teaching Assistant & Quality Nominee
Sian Prescott
Administrator & Exams Officer