Our Curriculum
It is imperative that our young people receive a structured and balanced education that encompasses key subjects such as Maths, English, Science, PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) and British Values.
At the heart of our structured and varied curriculum is our vocational pathway options. The qualifications and facilitated vocational experiences are well received by students and often rekindle an interest in education once more.
Our bespoke programmes of study include the following subjects:
Functional Skills are the fundamental ENGLISH, MATHS and ICT skills that are required to equip students for their working and personal lives. Our students can study for the qualifications in practical ways and apply core skills to real-life situations. These skills are embedded across our vocational pathways enabling students to see first-hand the connection between academic studies and the world of work.
English and Maths Functional Skills qualifications are available at Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 & 2 are equivalent to a GCSE qualification.
Students attending the Seeds School have a Personal Development Programme with ASDAN.
There are a wealth of short courses, certificates or diplomas students can pursue providing a bespoke learning plan for each young person. This is a fine qualification route to help students explore personal interests and help guide them to clear career opportunities for life after school.
Some of the main courses on offer include:
Employability Qualification
Award of Personal Effectiveness
Sports and Fitness Award
Beliefs and Values Award
Animal Care Award
Hospitality Vocational Taster
The ASDAN award allows students to collect points that add up to GCSE equivalent qualifications.
Vocational Qualifications
Our workshops boast excellent facilities promoting a quality vocational environment. Well-equipped and spacious classrooms ensure our delivery of teaching meets the expectations of a varied and robust curriculum.
Students interested in a career in construction can practice varying trades within the BTEC level 1 qualification which is available at Award, Certificate and Diploma levels.
Carpentry, painting and decorating and basic brick work are just some of the skills young people can pursue. This valuable qualification is desired by many post 16 colleges and providers not to mention local employers.
Our links with local employers means many students can pursue apprenticeships within this sector after their school journey with us.
Students wishing to explore the hairdressing sector can achieve the industry preferred City & Guilds qualification at level 1. This is available at Award and Certificate levels.
An industry standard commercial salon setting provides students with a genuine ‘work experience’ insight.
Support and sponsorship from industry experts ensures students have the opportunity of pursuing a career and apprenticeship within this sector at post 16.
Hospitality & Catering
Our fully equipped kitchens ensure students can study towards the BTEC Entry Level Award in an Introduction to the Hospitality Industry.
A fantastic qualification to help aid students with life skills not to mention a career route with apprenticeship opportunities via local colleges and providers.
Healthy eating and essential life skills for all our students means everyone can learn and improve their culinary skills. An invaluable and rewarding course that benefits students attending The Seeds School.
Physical Education
Whist physical education plays an important part of our curriculum for all students in attendance, the opportunity study towards a qualification in Sport is also available. Our sporting facilities provide students with a healthy and rewarding learning experience.
The Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory Certificate in Sport provides excellent theory and practical exercises for students to engage in. Not only does this boast healthy living but it provides a good vocational pathway route for further careers within the sports and fitness sector.